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What is a Anoscopy?

An anoscopy is a simple procedure in which your surgeon will insert a small retractor that enables them to visualize the anal canal and rectum.


Why would an Anoscopy be done?

An anoscopy is useful in identify several conditions and diseases that affect your anal canal and rectum:


  • Hemorrhoids (swollen veins in the anus or rectum)

  • Rectal Cancer

  • Anal Cancer


If any of these are found your surgeon will discuss a plan of treatment with you. 


What are the risks of Anoscopy?

An anoscopy is a safe and usually painless procedure. If you have hemorrhoids there may be a small amount of rectal bleeding following.


How to Prepare for an Anoscopy?

This procedure is completed in the Ambulatory Care Unit (ACU) at the North Bay Regional Health Center. You are required to bring your health care card and check into your appointment 30 minutes prior.


No sedation is given during this appointment and you can drive yourself home.


Your surgeon will give you specific bowel preparation instructions. This may or may not include fleet enemas prior to your procedure.


Let your surgeon know if you are taking any blood thinners, and they will advise you if it is necessary to adjust this medication prior to your appointment.

For further information about Anoscopy and Hemorrhoid Banding, please see attached handout

Click on image to download

Contact Us
*Please note that North Bay General Surgery's email is not checked on a daily
basis. For immediate assistance on weekdays, please call our office.
Our Address

Dr. Singh

Dr. Kumar

Dr. Niebergall

Dr. Menezes

Dr. Gong


107 Shirreff Avenue, Suite 206

North Bay, Ontario

P1B 7K8



8 am - 4 pm - Closed Sat/Sun.

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